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            The R6700-H based on the Android system,
            is equipped with a high-performance CPU,
            and has ultra-long battery life.
            It combines the powerful UHF UHF reading and writing functions with better sensitivity,
            which helps to achieve more accurate and faster data collection.

            Application Environment

            • Handheld
            • R2000
            • IP68

            Best choice for industrial applications

            UHF RFID Handheld Reader

            Handhold Reader

            Handhold Reader
            综合一区国产系列,久久天天躁狠狠躁夜夜躁AV,欧美亚洲愉拍自拍另类,国产精品自产拍在线观看中文 免费在线高清黄av av在线无码永久免费网址
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