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            It has complete independent intellectual property rights. The default working frequency band of the reader is 902-928mhz FCC and 865-868mhz ETSI. It supports iso18000-6c (EPC C1 Gen2) protocol. It has the characteristics of strong multi label identification ability, long card reading distance, high protection performance and convenient installation and configuration. It is applicable to warehouse logistics, material control, identity identification, access control and other fields.

            Application Environment

            • Energy
            • intelligence
            • Security

            Best choice for industrial applications

            Excellent Reading Performance Anti-collision Algorithm 18000-6C Full Compatible Resist Bad Environment Strong Stability Low-Power Design


            综合一区国产系列,久久天天躁狠狠躁夜夜躁AV,欧美亚洲愉拍自拍另类,国产精品自产拍在线观看中文 免费在线高清黄av av在线无码永久免费网址
                1. <form id="yt6gn"><center id="yt6gn"><sup id="yt6gn"></sup></center></form>