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            Become a partner


            Become a RTEC partner

            Achieve win-win value



            We are rtec, and we look forward to your becoming our partner to bring rtec's revolutionary products and services to every corner of the world. We hope that with the help and promotion of partners, rtec can provide better user experience for end users. Whether you are a system integrator, regional distributor or software and hardware supplier, you can apply to become our partner.
              We will wholeheartedly provide our partners with the highest priority technical support and more attractive preferential policies. We will also share marketing opportunities with our partners in the future business promotion plan.
              You can fill in the partner application form below or send an email to PARTNER@R-FRID.COM Our representative will contact you as soon as possible.


            Partner application

            Your name
            Your Email
            Your mobile number
            Your message
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