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            Application of RFID tool management tag

            發(fā)布時(shí)間:2022-08-03 10:22:47

            With the popularity of the IOT industrial Internet of Things, more and more enterprises and institutions, defense and military enterprises, etc., began to use RFID technology to manage assets, including tool management, such as the national grid, railways and fire brigades, and there are many kinds of tools with a huge number. At present, enterprises and institutions are using traditional manual management methods and means to achieve data collection and entry for the inventory of assets, borrowing, returning and scraping. Relying only on manual work will lead to low efficiency, high error rate, difficult enterprise management, low work efficiency, difficult to effectively control the loss of fixed assets, and difficult to timely and accurate accounting of operating costs. In recent years, more and more enterprises and institutions have begun to use RFID tools for management, which has greatly improved the efficiency and intelligence of tool management. The accuracy and efficiency of tool management can be greatly improved by installing the specially customized tool workbench of RFID reader and UHF passive anti-metal tag, and the information sharing between organizations and departments can be realized.

            However, there are many RFID tags on the market. How to choose a suitable RFID tag management tool?
            First, the tag must be anti-metal, because most tools are metal tools, RFID tool tags installed on metal, must be resistant to metals. Second, the tag should be small, such as scissors, screwdrivers and spanners, for the installation surface is limited. If RFID tag is too large, it is not only inconvenient to install, but also inconvenient to the operator in the process of use. Third, our RFID tool management tag has a strong performance. Although small in size, it has a far enough reading distance. When checking by handheld reader or entering and exiting by RFID channel door, there will no miss reading due to insufficient reading distance or poor consistency.

            There are many kinds of RFID tags. How to choose the appropriate RFID tools manage tag?
              1.First of all, we must consider the problems of anti-fall and operation during the use of the tools, violent use of tools is a common phenomenon. If the RFID tag does not have good anti-drop performance, it is likely to be damaged in the process of use. Therefore, the tag of PCB material should be selected, which is anti-drop and durable, and has strong anti-metal performance.

              2. There are a variety of tools, most of them are small size tools. The size of the tag has certain requirements, and it cannot be too large, otherwise it will be inconvenient to install and inconvenient to the operator in the process of use. Therefore, when choosing a tag, the size should be small enough, the size of P-S is 4x18x1.8mm, and the size of E-S is 8x3x1.9mm. The small size is convenient for installing various tools.

            3.Strong performance is important, reading distance can not be too close. The reading distance for P-S is up to 2 meters on the metal surface, and for E-S is up to 1 meter.

            Example of small size tool tag installation for railway tools, aerospace tools

            RFID tool tag and RFID smart toolbox, are the perfect match for the  solution of tool management. RFID smart toolbox can realize functions such as one-keyboard check, intelligent sound and light alarm, etc. It realizes tool automation and intelligent management, which greatly shortens tool inventory time, and improves the accuracy and efficiency of tool management. With RTEC tool management tag P-S, its small size and excellent performance can achieve 100% accurate reading of the tool. They are widely used in: aerospace, railway, electric power, fire, prison and other fields.

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